Sharon Horgan, regissör

Vilka filmer och serier har Sharon Horgan regisserat / medverkat i?

Sharon Horgan, mest känd som producent, 53 år, född 1970-07-13 i Hackney, London, England, Storbritannien.

Vi listar 14 filmer och tv-serier som hon har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2022The Unbearable Weight of Massive TalentOlivia
2021-HouseBrokenTabitha (röst)
2020Dating AmberHannah
2019How to Build a GirlJo March
2018Game NightSarah Darcy
2015-CatastropheSharon Morris
2015Man UpElaine
2005ValiantCharles De Girl (röst)
2005Imagine Me & YouBeth




Sharon Horgan is an Irish actress, writer, director and producer. She is best known for the comedy series Pulling and Catastrophe, both of which she starred in and co-wrote. In 2016 she created Divorce for US television and the following year she co-created Motherland for BBC2. In 2018 she starred in the movie Game Night. Most recently, she has starred in the movies Military Wives and Everybody's Talking About Jamie, whilst on television she plays Aisling Bea's sister in the sitcom This Way Up.