
Riverdale, serie 2017 - Streama med Netflix

Streama serien Riverdale (2017-). Med K.J. Apa, Lili Reinhart och Camila Mendes. Streama med Netflix.

I Riverdale kämpar Archie och hans gäng inte bara med vanliga tonårsproblem som sex, kärlek, skola och familj, utan blir även indragna i ett gåtfullt mysterium.



Riverdale trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Riverdale säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Kapitel 1: The River's Edge

På Riverdale High försöker Betty, Archie, Jughead och den nya tjejen Veronica hantera en skolkamrats tragiska död samtidigt som de alla har egna bekymmer.

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Avsnitt 2 Kapitel 2: Touch of Evil

Polisen börjar utreda Jasons död, Archies skuldkänslor och Jugheads misstankar blir starkare, och Betty brottas med sina känslor för Archie.

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Avsnitt 3 Kapitel 3: Body Double

Archie och Cheryl pratar med sheriffen, Betty ber Jughead att skriva om fallet i skoltidningen, och Veronica tampas med sportfånen Chuck.

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Avsnitt 4 Kapitel 4: The Last Picture Show

Betty granskar Geraldines förflutna, Jughead försöker rädda drive-in-bion, och Veronica ställer sin mor mot väggen efter att Cheryl sett henne gräla med en mc-knutte.

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Avsnitt 5 Kapitel 5: Heart of Darkness

Jasons begravning närmar sig och Betty gräver allt djupare i hans förflutna. Veronica tröstar Cheryl, och Archies skolplaner kompliceras av en ny mentor i musik.

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Avsnitt 6 Kapitel 6: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!

Jughead och Betty söker efter Polly, Valerie hjälper Archie genom en kris, och Veronica skakas av ett dubbelt svek.

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Avsnitt 7 Kapitel 7: In a Lonely Place

Det går fula rykten om Polly och Alice avslöjar familjehemligheter. Jughead hjälper sin pappa ta tillbaka sitt liv.

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Avsnitt 8 Kapitel 8: The Outsiders

Veronica hoppas kunna sammanföra familjen Cooper genom att ordna en babyshower för Polly och när Archies pappas byggteam säger upp sig hoppar Archie in.

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Avsnitt 9 Kapitel 9: La Grande Illusion

Cheryl övertalar Archie att följa med henne på en familjetillställning. Veronica tar kontakt med Ethel och uppmanar Hermione att berätta sanningen för Fred.

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Avsnitt 10 Kapitel 10: The Lost Weekend

Medan Fred är borta bestämmer sig Betty för att ordna en överraskningsfest för Jughead hemma hos Archie. Veronica uppdagar oroande information om sin pappa och Clifford.

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Avsnitt 11 Kapitel 11: To Riverdale and Back Again

Betty och Archie förbereder sig inför hemvändardagen och Jughead träffar sin numera nyktre pappa. Veronica och Alice beslutar sig för att utreda FP i hemlighet.

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Avsnitt 12 Kapitel 12: Anatomy of a Murder

När FP grips försöker Archie, Veronica och Betty bevisa att han blivit falskt anklagad, medan Jughead är övertygad om sin pappas skuld och gör sig redo att lämna stan.

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Avsnitt 13 Kapitel 13: The Sweet Hereafter

Medan Riverdale förbereder sitt 75-årsjubileum har gänget svårt att återgå till det normala, och FP pressas att bli polisinformatör.

Säsong 2

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Avsnitt 1 Chapter Fourteen: A Kiss Before Dying

Fred kämpar för sitt liv och gänget samlas för att stötta Archie. Jughead och Betty undersöker gärningsmannens motiv.

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Avsnitt 2 Chapter Fifteen: Nighthawks

Framtiden ser oviss ut för Pops, och en utmattad Archie blir mer och mer övertygad om att någon är ute efter att skada hans närmaste vänner.

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Avsnitt 3 Chapter Sixteen: The Watcher in the Woods

Archie tar saken i egna händer efter att Riverdale drabbats av ännu ett våldsdåd. Jughead börjar på Southside High.

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Avsnitt 4 Chapter Seventeen: The Town That Dreaded Sundown

Archies virala video skapar spänningar i hela Riverdale. Jughead och Betty samarbetar för att lösa Svarta huvans chiffer.

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Avsnitt 5 Chapter Eighteen: When a Stranger Calls

Jughead tar ställning när Serpents förbereder sig på att slå tillbaka, och Svarta huvan golvar Betty med ett avslöjande. Veronica får besök av en gammal vän.

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Avsnitt 6 Chapter Nineteen: Death Proof

Nick är på väg att få betala för vad han gjort innan skulden läggs på Southside – och borgmästare McCoy agerar med full kraft. Betty och Veronica är ute efter "Sugarman".

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Avsnitt 7 Chapter Twenty: “Tales from the Darkside”

I ett isande brev till invånarna i Riverdale ger Svarta huvan dem utmaningen att inte synda under 48 timmar. Stämningen blir spänd – och alla är på sin vakt.

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Avsnitt 8 Chapter Twenty-One: “House of the Devil”

Utredningen av Svarta huvan leder Archie och Veronica till ett djävulskt hus, och nya misstankar väcks. Samtidigt slår Jughead och Betty sig samman för att hylla FP.

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Avsnitt 9 Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night

Julen står för dörren, och en snokande Veronica får sig en överraskning i Hirams arbetsrum. Betty får en makaber julklapp, och Jughead slår tillbaka mot Penny.

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Avsnitt 10 Chapter Twenty-Three: Blackboard Jungle

När studenter från Southside tvingas flytta till Riverdale High uppstår kulturkrockar, FBI tar kontakt med Archie, och Betty letar efter sin bror.

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Avsnitt 11 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wrestler

Archie försöker komma närmare Hiram, Jughead avslöjar chockerande hemligheter om Riverdales förflutna, och Betty upptäcker mörka hemligheter om sin bror.

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Avsnitt 12 Chapter Twenty-Five: The Wicked and the Divine

Ett fall av skadegörelse väcker misstankar, medan Veronica är orolig för att Archie ska upptäcka familjen Lodges hemligheter i sitt nya jobb som Hirams praktikant.

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Avsnitt 13 Chapter Twenty-Six: The Tell-Tale Heart

Betty mår dåligt efter en kväll fylld av oväntade våldsamheter. Agent Adams sätter press på Archie, medan familjen Lodge gör sig redo för krig.

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Avsnitt 14 Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes

Under en helgresa till familjen Lodges stuga vid sjön uppdagas mörka hemligheter och begär. Josie berättar en smärtsam sanning för Kevin.

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Avsnitt 15 Chapter Twenty-Eight: There Will Be Blood

Fred överväger ett överraskande karriärbyte, medan Jughead försöker lista ut Hirams planer. Betty kan inte göra sig kvitt misstanken att Chic är farlig.

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Avsnitt 16 Chapter Twenty-Nine: Primary Colors

Hermione använder sig av en kändis för att trappa upp sin borgmästarkampanj, och Jughead inleder en politisk protest. Cheryls pyjamasparty tar en mörk vändning.

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Avsnitt 17 Chapter Thirty: The Noose Tightens

Politiken i Riverdale tar en förrädisk vändning. Familjen Cooper får ovälkomna gäster, medan Toni, Veronica och Josie söker svar om Cheryl.

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Avsnitt 18
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Avsnitt 19
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Avsnitt 20
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Avsnitt 21
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Avsnitt 22

Säsong 3

Riverdale säsong 3 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Kapitel 36: Labor Day

Sommaren går mot sitt slut. Archie tänker njuta maximalt av sin frihet, Polly konfronterar Betty om hennes mörka hemlighet och Jughead går i bräschen för en attack.

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Avsnitt 2 Kapitel 37: Fortune and Men's Eyes

Betty och Jughead reder ut ett kusligt nytt mysterium, medan Veronica söker ett nytt sätt att skipa rättvisa. Samtidigt försöker Archie anpassa sig till sin nya tillvaro.

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Avsnitt 3 Kapitel 38: As Above, So Below

Veronica kämpar för att rädda lönnkrogen. Archie går med på en farlig överenskommelse, och Betty och Jughead gräver djupare i Riverdales hemliga sammanslutningar.

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Avsnitt 4 Kapitel 39: The Midnight Club

I sitt desperata sökande efter svar berättar Alice för Betty om sina egna obehagliga minnen av Gripar och Maskaroner.

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Avsnitt 5
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Avsnitt 6
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Avsnitt 7
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Avsnitt 8
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Avsnitt 9
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Avsnitt 10
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Avsnitt 11
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Avsnitt 12
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Avsnitt 13
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Avsnitt 14
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Avsnitt 15
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Avsnitt 16
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Avsnitt 17
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Avsnitt 18
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Avsnitt 21
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Avsnitt 22

Säsong 4

Riverdale säsong 4 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Chapter Fifty-Eight: In Memoriam

As the residence of Riverdale prepare for its upcoming Independence Day parade, Archie receives a phone call that will change the rest of his life forever.

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Avsnitt 2 Chapter Fifty-Nine: Fast Times at Riverdale High

Archie encourages Mad Dog to attend Riverdale High and join the football team. Jughead meets Mr. Chipping, who offers him a spot at an elite school called Stonewall Prep. Veronica is conflicted when information about her involvement in Hiram’s arrest leaks to the public.

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Avsnitt 3 Chapter Sixty: Dog Day Afternoon

Things take a dangerous turn when Betty and Charles track down Edgar and his Farmies. Archie and Veronica hold a car wash fundraiser at Pop’s to raise money for the community center. Elsewhere, Jughead’s first day at Stonewall Prep doesn’t go as planned. Lastly, Cheryl learns a dark family secret from Nana Rose.

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Avsnitt 4 Chapter Sixty-One: Halloween

When ominous videotapes begin appearing on doorsteps across Riverdale, widespread fear quickly returns to the town. At Stonewall Prep, Jughead learns about a series of mysterious disappearances that have occurred to former students at the school. Meanwhile, Archie’s plan to create a safe space for the town’s kids gets derailed when some unwanted visitors crash their Halloween party. Elsewhere, Veronica comes face to face with trouble, while Betty’s past comes back to haunt her. Lastly, a haunting at Thistlehouse rocks Cheryl and Toni to their core.

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Avsnitt 5 Chapter Sixty-Two: Witness for the Prosecution

Caught between Hiram and Hermoine’s double trial, Veronica grapples with what the future holds for her family. Archie finds himself the unexpected target of the town’s local businesses. Betty and Kevin join the Junior FBI Training Program, and Jughead learns some surprising information about his family history.

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Avsnitt 6 Chapter Sixty-Three: Hereditary

As Archie struggles to keep the neighborhood kids away from Dodger’s influence, he turns to an unexpected ally for help. Jughead uncovers a mystery surrounding the author of the Baxter Brothers books, while Betty confronts Charles about his past. Finally, Veronica deals with a major shake-up at home, and Cheryl and Toni get some unexpected visitors at Thistlehouse.

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Avsnitt 7 Chapter Sixty-Four: The Ice Storm

Archie’s plan to host a peaceful Thanksgiving dinner at the community center quickly gets derailed when some unexpected guests arrive. Stranded at Stonewall Prep by an ice storm, Jughead and Betty search for clues about a recent death on campus. Elsewhere, while FP, Alice, Hiram and Hermoine wait out the storm together at Pop’s, Cheryl and Toni get resourceful as they host a dinner for Cheryl’s family.

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Avsnitt 8 Chapter Sixty-Five: In Treatment

As residents across Riverdale begin receiving more mysterious videotapes on their doorsteps, the seniors of Riverdale High eagerly await their college decision letters. Concerned that the stress may be getting to them, Mrs. Burble, the school's guidance counselor, meets with Betty, Archie, Veronica, Cheryl and Jughead to discuss what's plaguing them.

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Avsnitt 9 Chapter Sixty-Six: Tangerine

After declaring war on Hiram, Veronica enlists a secret weapon against her father - her Abuelita. Archie and FP team up to take Dodge down for good, while Betty and Charles investigate a series of strange attacks aimed at Betty. Elsewhere, Jughead's search for his grandpa, Forsythe Pendleton Jones I, leads to more questions than answers, while Cheryl finally makes peace with the past that's been haunting her.

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Avsnitt 10 Chapter Sixty-Seven: Varsity Blues

As Riverdale High prepares for the championship football game against Stonewall Prep, Betty gets to work on a story about the rivalry between the schools. Archie is conflicted when Mary tells him about Uncle Frank’s troubled past. Cheryl goes head to head with Ms. Appleyard, the school’s new cheerleading coach, and Veronica hits a road block with her latest Luna Rum recipe. Finally, Jughead is forced to pick a side after the perks of attending Stonewall Prep begin to interfere with his personal life.

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Avsnitt 11 Chapter Sixty-Eight: Quiz Show

Determined to give Frank a second chance, Archie gives him a job at Andrew’s Construction. Betty channels her energy into taking Bret down and defeating Stonewall Prep at the Quiz Show Championship, while Veronica and Cheryl team up for an unlikely business venture. Finally, Kevin’s date with a new suitor takes a strange and unexpected turn.

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Avsnitt 12 Chapter Sixty-Nine: Men of Honor

Archie grows concerned for Frank after someone from his past arrives in Riverdale. Betty and Alice’s investigation into incidents at Stonewall Prep leads them on a collision course with their number one suspect. Jughead challenges Bret to a duel to settle their grievances, while Toni, Kevin and Fangs seek revenge against Nick St. Clair, who has shown up unexpectedly in Riverdale. Finally, a trip to New York City gives Veronica an opportunity to catch up with her old friend Katy Keene.

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Avsnitt 13 Chapter Seventy: The Ides of March

Worried about what the future may hold for him after high school, Archie seeks advice from an unlikely source -- Hiram Lodge. Meanwhile, Veronica begins to spiral after learning some devastating news about someone close to her. Finally, accusations made against Jughead leaves his future at Stonewall Prep hanging in the balance.

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Avsnitt 14 Chapter Seventy-One: How to Get Away with Murder

When a night in the woods goes horribly awry, Betty, Archie and Veronica are forced to confront what one of them may be capable of.

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Avsnitt 15 Chapter Seventy-Two: To Die For

Alice begins shooting a documentary about Riverdale and the latest mystery involving one of its own. Meanwhile, Betty, Archie and Veronica fall deeper into a web of lies as the investigation gets underway.

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Avsnitt 16 Chapter Seventy-Three: The Locked Room

Jughead and Betty confront Bret, Donna and Professor DuPont and unravel their plan to commit the perfect murder.

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Avsnitt 17 Chapter Seventy-Four: Wicked Little Town

Kevin decides to revive Riverdale High’s tradition of hosting a variety show. But when Mr. Honey forbids him from performing a number from “Hedwig and the Angry Inch,” Kevin and the gang rally against their principal turning the variety show into a full-fledged musical that reflects the students’ inner lives and struggles. And amidst all the drama, one forbidden “showmance” begins to blossom.

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Avsnitt 18 Chapter Seventy-Five: Lynchian

Jughead and Charles follow a new lead after the contents of the latest videotape takes a sinister turn. Meanwhile, Kevin, Reggie and Fangs take their latest business venture to the next level, while Cheryl and Veronica's maple rum business faces a new threat. Finally, Archie and Betty contemplate their next steps.

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Avsnitt 19 Chapter Seventy-Six: Killing Mr. Honey

After receiving a letter from the University of Iowa asking him to submit a story, Jughead works on a twisted tale about the gang's revenge fantasy against Principal Honey for all the ways he's ruined their senior year. Season Finale.

Säsong 5

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Avsnitt 1 Chapter Seventy-Seven: Climax

Betty and Jughead's investigation into the auteur leads them to the discovery of a secret underground for red-band screenings. Elsewhere, in order to impress the visiting Naval Academy Commandant, Archie agrees to participate in a boxing exhibition against another candidate - KO Kelly. Meanwhile, as Cheryl prepares for prom, she stumbles upon a major secret that Toni's been keeping from her.

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Avsnitt 2 Chapter Seventy-Eight: The Preppy Murders

Betty and Jughead's investigation into the auteur takes a twisted turn after receiving a call from Bret. Meanwhile, Archie is forced to make an impossible decision when the person responsible for his father's death needs his help. Elsewhere, Veronica and Hermosa come up with a plan to force Hiram into early retirement, and Cheryl makes a business move.

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Avsnitt 3 Chapter Seventy-Nine: Graduation

With Graduation Day around the corner, the gang consider their next steps beyond Riverdale High. Archie learns whether he will be able to graduate with his classmates. FP makes a difficult decision about his and Jellybean's future.

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Avsnitt 4 Chapter Eighty: Purgatorio

After spending seven years away from Riverdale, Archie returns to find the town is now under Hiram Lodge's grip and on the verge of becoming a ghost town. When Toni catches him up on what's been going on, Archie reaches out to the rest of the gang to return home.

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Avsnitt 5 Chapter Eighty-One: The Homecoming

Toni, Alice, Archie and Kevin fight to keep Riverdale High's doors open after learning that its budget had been cut by Hiram Lodge. Veronica gets creative when she discovers Chad is having her followed. Jughead starts a new job after debt collectors show up in Riverdale.

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Avsnitt 6 Chapter Eighty-Two: Back to School

Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jughead prepare for their first day as Riverdale High's newest teachers. Veronica introduces her husband Chad to the group after he shows up unexpectedly in Riverdale. After realizing they are out of funds, Archie and Toni turn to Cheryl for help restarting the football and cheer teams. Finally, Betty, Kevin and Alice follow a lead after learning that Polly may be in trouble.

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Avsnitt 7 Chapter Eighty-Three: Fire in the Sky

Following in his Grandpa Artie's footsteps, Archie begins to recruit Riverdale's new volunteer fire department. Toni's attempt to lure Cheryl out of Thornhill and back into daily life in Riverdale leads to more tension between the two. Elsewhere, Betty, Alice and Kevin's latest investigation leads them into conflict with Hiram. Finally, as Veronica comes up with a risky plan to support Riverdale's local businesses, Jughead and Tabitha begin to unravel an old mystery surrounding some strange sightings in the town.

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Avsnitt 8 Chapter Eighty-Four: Lock & Key

A big announcement forces everyone to take stock of their current lives. Cheryl sets a risky plan in motion after learning some surprising news about Toni. Jughead tries to make sense of a strange encounter he had. Kevin and Fangs make a big decision about their future together.

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Avsnitt 9 Chapter Eighty-Five: Destroyer

After the Bulldogs lose several football games, Archie and Veronica come up with a plan to boost school spirit. Jughead turns his attention to a student who he thinks might need his help. Betty seeks guidance from Cheryl after being faced with a difficult decision to make. Finally, Kevin is forced to face a dark moment from his past.

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Avsnitt 10 Chapter Eighty-Six: The Pincushion Man

While preparing for the school's Parent-Teacher night, Archie is caught off guard when his former Army General shows up in Riverdale with some unexpected news. Cheryl pushes back after hearing that Hiram and Reggie have expressed interest in taking over the Blossom maple groves. Jughead's unconventional way to get through a case of writer's block causes Tabitha to be concerned for his safety. Finally, Betty and Alice receive some unexpected visitors.

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Avsnitt 11 Chapter Eighty-Seven: Strange Bedfellows

In the aftermath of the prison break at Hiram's jail, Archie leads the charge to round up the remaining convicts on the loose. Tabitha reaches out for Betty's help when she realizes Jughead is missing. When Penelope re-enters the fold, Cheryl becomes suspicious of her true intentions.

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Avsnitt 12 Chapter Eighty-Eight: Citizen Lodge

Hiram shares with Reggie his origin story and how he went from a young Jaime Luna to the powerful kingpin of Riverdale. Elsewhere, Reggie reflects on his relationship with his father.

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Avsnitt 13 Chapter Eighty-Nine: Reservoir Dogs

While helping Eric deal with his PTSD, Archie is forced to confront his own past trauma in the Army. To find the Lonely Highway killer, Betty and Tabitha come up with a way to lure truckers to Pop's. Cheryl extends an invitation to Kevin and Veronica gives Reggie a shot to prove her wrong.

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Avsnitt 14 Chapter Ninety: The Night Gallery

Cheryl enlists the help of Archie, Kevin, Fangs and Reggie after she learns there is palladium underneath her maple groves. Meanwhile, Betty and Alice confront a trucker who may have been involved in Polly's disappearance. Elsewhere, Jughead and Archie each confront events from their past.

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Avsnitt 15 Chapter Ninety-One: The Return of the Pussycats

After going MIA during the middle of her world tour, mega-star Josie McCoy returns to Riverdale unexpectedly. But it's not until she reunites with her former bandmates Valerie and Melody, that she opens up about the real reason why she's back. Elsewhere, Veronica gets creative after a surprise visit from her old friend Alexandra Cabot. Finally, Toni steps in to help Tabitha and Veronica land a deal.

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Avsnitt 16 Chapter Ninety-Two: Band of Brothers

After hearing some unexpected news about his former commanding officer, Archie opens up to Uncle Frank about his time in the Army. Veronica comes up with a clever way to raise funds after Chad calls the SEC on her. Finally, Cheryl and Kevin attempt to take control of the ministry, and Jughead goes on an apology tour.

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Avsnitt 17 Chapter Ninety-Three: Dance of Death

After learning that a friend has gone missing, Tabitha enlists help from Jughead and Betty to investigate the disappearance. Penelope plants doubt in Kevin's mind, which leads him to confront Cheryl about the ministry. Finally, an explosion at the mines leaves several lives hanging in the balance.

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Avsnitt 18 Chapter Ninety-Four: Next to Normal

Refusing to accept what's going on around her, Alice creates an imaginary musical fantasy world in which the Coopers are one big happy family again. But as her mother continues to spiral, Betty does her best to pull her back to reality.

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Avsnitt 19 Chapter Ninety-Five: RIVERDALE: RIP (?)

As the gang pick up the pieces after a rough year back in Riverdale, an incident at Pop's forces them to make a difficult decision about the future of the town.

Säsong 6

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Avsnitt 1 Chapter Ninety-Six: Welcome to Rivervale

Following the explosion that ended Season Five, a new day dawns in the town of RiverVALE, where everything is as it should be. Veronica and Reggie are now the town's power couple, while Jughead and Tabitha move in together. But with Cheryl demanding a return to the "old ways," this serenity will surely not last. And how could Archie and Betty possibly have survived?

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Avsnitt 2 Chapter Ninety-Seven: Ghost Stories

A vengeful spirit from folklore, la Llorona arrives in Rivervale to terrorize the rainy town. Betty and Toni find themselves in the specter's path and must seek Cheryl’s help to protect the children in Rivervale, including Baby Anthony. Meanwhile, Jughead and Tabitha, along with Veronica and Reggie, experience their own hauntings that begin to put a strain on their respective relationships.

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Avsnitt 3 Chapter Ninety-Eight: Mr. Cypher

After being visited by a mysterious figure who arrives in Rivervale, the gang find themselves faced with unexpected ultimatums.

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Avsnitt 4 Chapter Ninety-Nine: The Witching Hour(s)

As Bailey's Comet passes over Rivervale, Cheryl and Nana Rose revisit the tragic stories of the Blossom women through the years. Meanwhile, the once-in-a-lifetime celestial event prompts Cheryl to summon a familiar face to Rivervale - Sabrina Spellman.

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Avsnitt 5 Chapter One Hundred: The Jughead Paradox

Unnerved by a series of strange happenings around him, Jughead's quest for answers leads him to uncover the truth about Rivervale.

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Avsnitt 6 Chapter One Hundred and One: Unbelievable

As news begins to spread about the bombing at the Andrew's home, Archie, Betty and Jughead begin to deal with mysterious side effects from the explosion. Elsewhere, Veronica spirals after learning that Hiram may have been involved, and Cheryl is consumed with guilt when she believes she may have had a hand in the explosion.

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Avsnitt 7 Chapter One Hundred and Two: Death at a Funeral

Following the explosion at the Andrews residence, Archie assembles a team to help rebuild his home, while Jughead copes with his new reality. Meanwhile, at the Riverdale town hall meeting, Veronica breaks some news to the town, which later prompts a visit from her mother Hermoine. At Thornhill, Britta tries to get to the bottom of some strange happenings going on with Cheryl and Nana Rose.

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Avsnitt 8 Chapter One Hundred and Three: The Town

After learning that Percival Pickens is behind a blistering article calling Riverdale the worst town in America, Archie comes up with a plan to prove him wrong. Meanwhile, after the Town Council goes after their casino, Veronica and Reggie decide they're going to do everything on the up-and-up moving forward. Finally, Britta makes a risky move to help Cheryl.

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Avsnitt 9 Chapter One Hundred and Four: The Serpent Queen's Gambit

After suspecting that Percival is about to make a big play, Archie, Betty and Jughead warn their friends about his potential threat to the town. Meanwhile, Toni also finds herself a target after Percival announces his plans to rid the town of gangs, including the Serpents. Finally, Cheryl makes her move against Archie, Betty and Jughead.

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Avsnitt 10 Chapter One Hundred and Five: Folk Heroes

To get the town of Riverdale out from under Percival's grip, Archie, Jughead and Betty devise a plan to turn Archie into a modern-day folk hero by performing a series of impossible feats. Meanwhile, Percival takes aim at Veronica, Toni and Tabitha, pitting them and their businesses against one another. Finally, after falling ill, Cheryl makes a surprising discovery about herself.

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Avsnitt 11 Chapter One Hundred and Six: Angels in America

After learning that Percival's plan to reinvigorate Riverdale would lead to the demise of Pop's, Tabitha searches for a way to fight back. But when she is targeted by one of Percival's accomplices, the incident sends her back in time and searching for answers.

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Avsnitt 12 Chapter One Hundred and Seven: In the Fog

After uncovering what Percival has planned for the town, Archie, Betty Jughead and Tabitha devise a plan to oust the current town council and instate their own. But when Percival catches wind of their secret meeting, he and Alice use an upcoming weather event to scare the town into staying in their homes... while they carry out the next step of Percival's master plan.

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Avsnitt 13 Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Ex-Libris

The next steps of Percival's plan catch Archie, Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Cheryl and Reggie off guard and forces them to face their past trauma.

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Avsnitt 14 Chapter One Hundred and Nine: Venomous

With palladium acting as his personal kryptonite, Archie decides he must build up his tolerance if he's going to stand a chance against Percival. Betty turns to Jughead for help uncovering some repressed memories from her childhood. Meanwhile, Veronica deals with a bombshell discovery that effects how she interacts with people around her, and Cheryl debates whether she should reach out to a former childhood crush.

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Avsnitt 15 Chapter One Hundred and Ten: Things That Go Bump In the Night

After failing to get Pop's declared a historical landmark, Tabitha enlists Archie's help saving the diner from Percival. Betty opens up to Agent Drake about her ability to see people's evil auras. Meanwhile, after Reggie and the shareholders declare war on Veronica, she turns to Jughead for help maintaining control of the Babylonium. Finally, Cheryl reconnects with her childhood crush Heather, and Toni and Fangs continue their fight for custody of Baby Anthony.

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Avsnitt 16 Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: Blue Collar

After learning that Percival is exploiting his new work crew, Archie and Tabitha devise a plan to help protect the workers and get them out from under Percival's control. Meanwhile, Jughead finds himself with a target on his back after Percival catches wind of a scheme he and Veronica hatched against Reggie. Finally, Betty receives some unexpected news about a dark moment from her past, and Toni and Fangs find themselves at a crossroads.

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Avsnitt 17 Chapter One Hundred and Twelve: American Psychos

In order to catch the Trash Bag Killer once and for all, Betty devises a plan to hold a serial killer convention in Riverdale. Elsewhere, Cheryl receives some news about Toni and Fangs that sends her spiraling, while Archie and Tabitha try to loosen the grip Percival has over his workers.

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Avsnitt 18 Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: Biblical

As the gang plan an event celebrating two of their own, strange biblical plaques around town threaten to put a damper on the special day.

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Avsnitt 19 Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen: The Witches of Riverdale

When several of their own fall prey to Percival's latest plan, Cheryl calls upon fellow witch Sabrina Spellman for help. Elsewhere, Percival gives Reggie an ultimatum.

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Avsnitt 20 Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen: Return to Rivervale

Archie and the gang gather intel about Percival so they can better understand where he came from and use that to their advantage. However, when their plan results in an unexpected outcome, the gang is left having to pay a terrible cost.

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Avsnitt 21 Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen: The Stand

When Archie and Veronica's attempt to negotiate with Percival doesn't go as planned, the forces of good and evil finally face off, leading to some unexpected revelations.

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Avsnitt 22 Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen: Night of the Comet

Archie and the gang band together to save Riverdale from the greatest threat the town has ever faced.

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Avsnitt 1 Chapter One Hundred Eighteen: Don't Worry Darling

After coming together to stop Bailey’s comet, the gang finds themselves transported back to a simpler time — Riverdale 1955. Archie attempts to impress the new girl Veronica. Toni, Tabitha and Betty take a stand against Principal Featherhead. Meanwhile, Jughead attempts to convince the gang that they're from the future.

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Avsnitt 2 Chapter One Hundred Nineteen: Skip, Hop and Thump!

Riverdale High's sock hop is around the corner and Archie has his sights set on taking Veronica (Camila Mendes) to the dance. Betty is confused when Kevin appears uninterested in taking things to the next level with her. Elsewhere, Jughead takes aim at Pep Comics, and Toni attempts to convince Cheryl to let Fangs perform at the sock hop.

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Avsnitt 3 Chapter One Hundred Twenty: Sex Education

After a lesson in sex education leaves the gang more confused than ever, Veronica decides to organize a make-out party at the Pembrooke. Elsewhere, Jughead attempts to help Ethel out of some trouble only to find himself in hot water as well.

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Avsnitt 4 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-One: Love & Marriage

After enlisting Archie's help, Cheryl's plan to fool her family spirals out of control. Jughead turns to Veronica for help after finding himself in some trouble, and Betty gives Kevin an ultimatum.

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Avsnitt 5 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two: Tales in a Jugular Vein

Principal Featherhead takes aim at the negative influence comic books have over kids, just as Jughead is tasked by Pep Comics to write four tales for a new issue.

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Avsnitt 6 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Three: Peep Show

At her wits end over Archie’s recent actions, Mary turns to Uncle Frank to get him back on track. Meanwhile, Betty asks Veronica for help understanding her sexuality. Elsewhere, Jughead takes action after he discovers plagiarism taking place at Pep Comics, and Cheryl and Toni’s budding attraction catches the attention of some River Vixens

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Avsnitt 7 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Four: Dirty Dancing

Fearing that Betty is going down the wrong path, Alice forces her to join the after-school dance show, "American Grandstand." Meanwhile, Kevin is forced by Tom to join the Riverdale High basketball team, and Veronica finds herself cut off by her parents.

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Avsnitt 8 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Five: Hoop Dreams

In order to keep Riverdale High's basketball legacy alive, Frank and Archie recruit a new player to the team - a quiet farm boy named Reggie Mantle. Tabitha's return to school inspires Toni to start a literary society for Riverdale's Black students. Alice forces Betty to join the River Vixens, and Kevin starts a new job at the Babylonium.

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Avsnitt 9 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Six: Betty & Veronica Double Digest

After devising a plan to bring in some money at the Babylonium, Veronica is surprised to learn somebody may be sabotaging her. Elsewhere, after beginning sessions with Dr. Werthers, Betty begins to question his motives.

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Avsnitt 10 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Seven: American Graffiti

Jughead and Tabitha team up to investigate a mystery involving Ray Bradbury. Cheryl asks Toni if she can attend an afterschool book club with her and other Black students. Betty and Veronica ask Archie and Reggie out on a double date, and Fangs prepares for his first big gig.

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Avsnitt 11 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Eight: Halloween II

Veronica decides to host a ghost show after learning that Riverdale doesn't celebrate Halloween the way she's use to in LA. Betty makes the most out of her night out with Archie and Reggie, and Jughead makes a major discovery in a mystery brewing in Riverdale.

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Avsnitt 12 Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Nine: After the Fall

Archie and Reggie lean on each other as they prepare for their big basketball game against Stonewall Prep. Meanwhile, as they deal with ongoing issues with their parents, Betty and Veronica decide to throw a slumber party with Kevin and Clay.

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Avsnitt 13 Chapter One Hundred Thirty: The Crucible

Panic ensues after Archie and the gang learn that Mrs. Thornton is accused of being a communist. Cheryl's father Clifford forces her to out gay students at Riverdale High or risk losing power over the Vixens. Meanwhile, Hiram's surprise arrival to town is quickly met with suspicion by Veronica, and Jughead devises a plan to get around a boycott of comic books.

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Avsnitt 14 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-One: Archie the Musical

After Principal Featherhead agrees to let Kevin present him with an original musical written by him and Clay, Kevin learns the group might not be as into it as he had hoped. Elsewhere, musical rehearsals prompt Archie to question what he wants in life, while Betty and Veronica confront what's going on between them.

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Avsnitt 15 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two: Miss Teen Riverdale

It's time for the town's annual Miss Teen Riverdale pageant and Betty, Veronica, Cheryl and Toni each have their own reasons for entering. However, when Alice doesn't allow Ethel to enter the pageant, the girls band together to make sure she has a fighting chance.

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Avsnitt 16 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Three: Stag

Veronica sets up a screening at the Babylonium after Julian gets his hands on a stag film and invites Archie, Reggie and the guys over for a watch party. Betty unexpectedly reunites with Polly and learns about her sister's new life in New York. Elsewhere, Jughead goes to war with Dr. Werthers over his censure of comic books.

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Avsnitt 17 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four: A Different Kind of Cat

Betty enlists help from Cheryl and Toni after deciding she's going to publish her own book. Veronica, Kevin and Clay host Hollywood movie star Josie McCoy, who is in town to screen her latest film. Finally, Archie's attempt to take his poetry to the next level doesn't go as planned.

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Avsnitt 18 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Five: For a Better Tomorrow

As the gang gets swept up in Cold War paranoia, a new mystery brewing in Riverdale leads Jughead to suspect it may have ties to a string of suspicious murders in town. Archie reconsiders his future after Uncle Frank gives him a hard time about his poetry writing, and a shocking discovery involving her family shakes Betty to her core.

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Avsnitt 19 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Six: The Golden Age of Television

As the town's past secrets start to bubble to the surface, Jughead and the gang are forced to make a difficult decision that will change each of their lives forever.

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Avsnitt 20 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Seven: Goodbye, Riverdale

Back in the present day and longing for her former life in Riverdale, 86-year-old Betty turns to a special friend to help her relive her last day of senior year with her friends as they were, their memories restored.


Release 2017-01-26


Serien Riverdale med skådespelare K.J. Apa, Lili Reinhart och Camila Mendes streamas på Netflix. Se även .