Sara's Istanbul Delights

Sara's Istanbul Delights, serie 2017 - Streama med Disney+

Streama serien Sara's Istanbul Delights (2017-). Med Sara La Fountain. Streama med Disney+.

Sara La Fountain will embark on a journey into the flavors of the dazzling city of Istanbul. Sara La Fountain will embark on a journey into the heart of Istanbul, the dazzling city of which she often heard in the gastronomy world. On her Istanbul adventure, Sara will embark on a spiritual as well as intellectual journey about gastronomy and cooking, and will explore the essentials of the art of cooking, culture, and centuries-old heritage.



Sara La Fountain ile İstanbul'un En İyileri

Release 2017-05-21


Serien Sara's Istanbul Delights med skådespelare Sara La Fountain streamas på Disney+. Se även .